Dads, Lads, Lassies Area Scholarship

The Dads, Lads, and Lassies Hunt of Litchfield, along with the Pastshooters of the same organization, will offer two $800 scholarships to be given to two different graduating seniors from the area. The scholarships would encourage, but not require, that the applicant have a desire to pursue a career in a wildlife-related field. Awards will be based on consideration of the following criteria: 1) Leadership; 2) Scholastic Achievement; 3) Character; 4) School / Community Activities; 5) Involvement in the Hunt (either themselves or their family).

To apply:
1) Submit a letter of application covering the above criteria;
2) Submit a personal data sheet (resume)
to: Dudly Fiskopp, LHS, PO Box 167, Litchfield, NE 68852 by March 23, 2012.

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